GrantaUK provides the food and agricultural trade with a range of specialist services to help you maximise product value and business potential.

As technical partners to our clients we are always available to help and advise on any points of seed or food science that falls within out area of expertise. Please be free to contact us to discuss your particular requirements with one of our experts.

Below are some of the more common questions about our services.

How do I use the freepost system?

Fill sample bags with correct quantity of product, place in the freepost mailing bag, seal and post the bag or take it to your nearest post office.

What are your vehicle un/loading times?

Please note that no vehicles will be loaded or unloaded without a prior booking, see the question above for how to make a booking. Our normal un/loading times are 07:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 16:00 Monday to Friday.

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